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Writer: Soliel De BellaSoliel De Bella

Pandora Spocks Bio:

Pandora Spocks is a sassy ginger and hopeless romantic, living her happily ever after in South Florida. She loves reading and writing steamy love stories.

She is the author of the Dream Dominant Collection, a series of light BDSM stand-alone novels featuring sexy Alpha males and the strong red-haired submissives they can’t resist.

Currently, the Collection includes LUKE & BELLA, LOST & BOUND, FOR SPARROW (2018 Golden Flogger Winner for Best BDSM Book), and the newest one, WARRIOR MINE, but more are in the works. Since they’re stand-alone novels, you can read them in any order. Each one is completely self-contained.

Her modern-day adult fairy tale CHASING ORDINARY is the 2018 New Apple Summer eBook Awards Medalist in Literary Erotica.

She also wrote a naughty little romantic novella, JUST ONE NIGHT. At 99¢, it’s the cheapest Caribbean vacation you ever loved.

Pandora is the author of a three-novel epic erotic romance/law drama called RANNIGAN’S REDEMPTION. The trilogy, RESISTING RISK, RUNNING ROGUE, and RANSOMING REDEMPTION, is available separately, or as a boxed set.

She’s currently two-thirds of the way finished with her new Redheads & Ranchers series, a collection of three stand-alone contemporary erotic romance novels featuring sexy ranchers and the redheads who ride into their lives and turn everything upside down. JENNY’S VOICE and HUNTER’S PRIDE are available now, and ANNA’S HEART should be out in early 2020.

Her most recent release is a spooky, steamy romance called MIDNIGHT COVE. It’s currently available in a hot anthology of romantic suspense novels, DARK SECRETS.

Pandora has plans for several hot new books in the coming year, including a 5th installment in the Dream Dominant Collection.

Pandora’s links:


Interview Questions:

S: What is the first book that made you cry?

P: The first book that made me cry was Angela’s Ashes. It was a beautifully moving story, and I highly recommend it.

S:Does a big ego help or hurt writers?

P; I don’t know if I’m talking about a big ego, but I think a writer needs to be confident in his or her work, apart from any feedback (positive or negative) they may receive. People may either love or hate your work, but if you can honestly say that as a writer, you’re satisfied with what you’ve published, then it doesn’t matter what anyone says. On the other hand, if you know it’s crap, it’s up to you to fix it.

S: Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

P: I really try to tell the story that’s in my head. I find ‘template stories’ annoying, and I don’t think I could write one. I have received a negative review or two from readers who were unhappy that the story didn’t go where they expected it to go. But to me, the story is what it is. I’m a definite ‘plan-tser’, a writer who has a basic plan (beginning, middle, end, significant plot points in between), but ultimately, I’m along for the adventure as characters take me places and have conversations I didn’t foresee. It makes the work exciting.

How do you balance making demands on the reader with taking care of the reader?

I know that as a reader, I’m annoyed when a writer ‘dumbs down’ details of a story, so I try not to do that when I write. If I think something might need explanation, I try to do it organically through dialogue or the characters’ thoughts. I believe readers are quick to understand.

S: What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters?

P: Every strong, sexy hero I write has his roots in my husband, my own personal happily-ever-after. Conversely, every rat-bastard villain I write has his roots in my ex. So there’s that, LOL!

S: What does literary success look like to you?

P: To me, literary success is publishing stories that resonate with readers. I don’t think you have to be a publicly recognized best-seller to touch readers in a meaningful way. When readers let me know that one of my books meant something special to them, it means the world to me.

S: What’s the best way to market your books?

P: think marketing romance books requires a personal touch. For me, that means social media is vital. Posting to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Book+Main is part of my daily routine. And Facebook groups for readers are huge. I’ve found that many romance readers like to interact with their favorite writers, to ask questions and to get exclusive sneak peeks into new projects. You can’t underestimate the importance of regular newsletters, either.

S: What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

P: I do research during the entire process. I’m forever stopping to Google some small detail: How long does it take to fly from ___ to ___? What type of tree is native to ___?

Recent searches include home water births, eminent domain law, small Wyoming towns, and a recipe for chicken piccata, LOL.

S: Which books were those searches for?

P: You’ll have to read to find out. 😉

S: How do you select the names of your characters?

P: Generally, when a story idea comes to me, the main characters (and some supporting characters, come to that) bring their names with them. And I do keep a running list of names that occur to me in my idea notebook. Also, with every new project, I run a contest in my Facebook group (Pandora’s Passionista Paradise), the winner of which gets a supporting character named after them.

S: Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

P: I do on occasion. When I wrote CHASING ORDINARY, my modern-day adult fairy tale, my handsome prince did a television interview. So I was ecstatic to bring back Bella from my first book, LUKE & BELLA, to do the interview.

S: What was your hardest scene to write?

P: Oh, man! *Spoiler Alert*, LOL! I had to kill a main character, and that was beyond emotional. By the time I got to that scene, I felt I owed it to the character to do it right. I cried when I wrote it. I cried when I edited it. I still cry every time I read it. But it was always his path.

S: What is your favorite childhood book?

P: I always loved A WRINKLE IN TIME by Madeleine L’Engle. I read it so many times, I lost count.


Michael and Maggie meet at a job fair, where he hires her practically on the spot. She’s smart and good her job. But there’s more to it than he’s willing to admit. He’s attracted to her. Which doesn’t make sense. She’s nothing like the women he dates. She’s way too smart, for one thing.

And Maggie’s in love with him, too. Realizing the situation is all but hopeless, she contents herself with working with him.

One night of passion tears them apart. And from that point they’re both just running rogue, each making questionable decisions in their professional and personal lives.

A moment of desperation brings them back together. After Michael has burned all his bridges, Maggie’s the only one willing to stand by him.

And he’s grateful. He knows he needs to make it up to her, to somehow find redemption for himself.

Although Rannigan’s Redemption was intended to be one book, this story was too long and covers nearly ten years of Michael’s and Maggie’s lives, so it was originally released as three separate novels.

This boxed set includes all three Rannigan’s Redemption novels: Resisting Risk, Running Rogue, and Ransoming Redemption.



Blake Walker is no stranger to tragedy. Immediately following a horrific event years earlier, he was lost for a while until he embraced his Dominant nature and found his true calling. But things change and now he’s back where he started, helping to run his family’s secluded lake lodge. When pampered Hollywood starlet Shasta Pyke gets into trouble with the law, she’s sent to the wilderness of northern Ontario to cool her heels for a few weeks. There she meets sexy bush pilot Blake, who is tasked with seeing to her needs as the sole guest at the lodge. Initially, Blake isn’t impressed with the spoiled actress, but he’s happy that her visit allows for his sister Jackie and her kids to go on a much-needed vacation. Try as he might, he can’t figure out what the hell Shasta Pyke is doing so far out of her element. Shasta’s attracted to Blake’s obvious good looks, but there’s more to him than that. He sees through her armor to the vulnerable little girl she hides from the world. The Daddy Dominant in him craves to shelter her, to make her his own. Is there any way Shasta will agree to submit to Blake’s Dominance? Lost & Bound is part of Pandora Spocks’ Dream Dominant Collection, a series of stand-alone novels featuring sexy, Dominant men and the strong, red-haired submissives who find them irresistible. It is a contemporary erotic romance novel with a light BDSM theme, and features a DD/lg relationship. It is intended for mature audiences.


You can find all of author Pandora Books here

Thank you so much for joining us today Pandora Spocks




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