S: What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?
L: I haven't really gone on any. I've only done a few signings.
S: What is the first book that made you cry?
L: Watership Down, the bunnies dying and fighting.
S: What is the most unethical practice in the publishing industry?
L: Plagerism I would say, as well as stuffing.
S: Does writing energize or exhaust you?
L: It can be both. It would really depend on what I am writing at the time.
S: What are common traps for aspiring writers?
L: Failing for fake publishers and the scammers buying your reviews
S: Have you ever gotten reader’s block?
L: Yes, I am still suffering from it.
S: Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?
L: No, I wrote under me for my own reasons.
S: Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
L: I do what is in my head. What comes out is what I write. I don't want to be stuck as a one genre writer.
S: Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?
L: I am not sure. I haven't met an author that isn't passionate about their work.
S: Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?
L: I want each to stand on its own.
S: If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
L: Don't believe what was said, don't stop.
S: How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?
L: It hasn't. I still write the same as always .
S: What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?
L: Book signing. As silly as it may sound, I enjoy meeting other authors.
S: What authors did you dislike at first but grew into?
L: I don't think there are any.
S: What did you do with your first advance?
L: I've never gotten one.
S: What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?
L: Being a child growing up, the words that were said, are ghost reels I still fight.
S: What does literary success look like to you?
L; Having at least one book sell, and to know my book helped someone .
S: Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice?
L: I view it as a cleansing.
S: Do you Google yourself?
L: Never
S; Do you believe in writer’s block?
L:: Absolutely.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and your readers. If anyone has questions for this talented author, please leave them below and she will respond when she can.
Lea Winkelman is a busy mom of 2 boys. She lives in the sometimes cold sometimes warm midwest. She started writing as a teenager, but then stopped for a long time, to pursue other opportunities. She just recently started back up again as a way to express her thoughts and feelings. Lea keeps her poems and stories flowing by grabbing life experiences and expressing her inner most thoughts in the forms of the stories and poems she writes. Watch as she rises from the ashes and takes on new and interesting projects.
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Forward for Memoirs
There comes a time in your life where you need to stand in the middle of the road and choose a path. You can either follow the crowd, be happy in the middle or forge your own path.
Lea Winkleman, is an woman on a mission at reclaiming her lifes goals, and moving forward in her own path.
Watching her blossom into a strong independently fierce woman has been inspirational.
Dive into Memoirs and learn about this strongly fierce woman.

Asylum of The Damned
by F.D. Ravenskraft & Lea Winkelman
Two amazingly talented Poets & Writers combined their gifts creating this book...a journey into the very depths of their souls. Venture into the very richness of the minds and spirits of F.D. Ravenskraft & Lea Winkelman.

The Psych Ward: Poetry of Nightmares & Horrorscapes
By F.D. Ravenskraft and Friends
The psych ward delves into the darkest part of the human mind. Each poet has peeled back a layer of light to allow the shadows to creep forward. Enter the ward if you dare and join them on this journey of twists and turns. FD Ravenskraft has brought forth a talented group of friends on this journey with him.
Contributing authors:
Jeremy Taylor, Ardent Rose, Leah Negron, Lea Winkelman, Iris Magyar, Joyce Ann Marie Gage, Daniel Johnson, Julie JA Lafrance, Annamarie Gardner, Eric Nelson Manley Shelman. Elias Raven, Brandon Ryals, and Christos Andreas Kourtis AKA NEONSOLARIS.
⭐️ 📷Thoughts To My Own Music📷⭐️
By Lea Winkelman
We are all unique in ways that are different. Music can speak to a persons soul, but it can also bring a person so deep in the darkness to the light.
Can you truly understand what it's like to live with an issue that so greatly impacts your life, that even the slightest change can through you off your game?

📷📷📷📷Words to Dream by📷📷📷📷
Lea Winkelman & Friends
Get lost in the Words,
Brought in our Dreams,
Bringing forth a world,
of rebirth and empowerment.
Fall in love,
with the healing effect of thoughts and dreams.
Join myself and a few friends as we take you on a journey through poetry and strength.
Thank you for joining us this November Lea. It has been a pleasure.