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My June Spotlight with the talented best-selling author Nia Farrell

Writer: Soliel De BellaSoliel De Bella

Author Bio Nia Farrell is the award-winning author of one of The 50 Best Indie Books of 2016, a four-time Golden Flogger Finalist, and a founding member of the Wicked Pens. Dubbed “The Queen of Steam,” she writes hot sex and happy endings in multiple genres and subgenres, including BDSM, ménage (MFM and MMF), MM, reverse harem, paranormal, MC, and Mafia. Regardless of genres, ultimately, her books are about the healing power of love. Nia writes erotic romance as Nia Farrell, historical romance as Erinn Ellender Quinn, and erotica/romantic comedy as Ree L. Diehl. Her three pen names share a webpage at, where you can see tantalizing teasers and read steamy excerpts. As one reviewer puts it, “If you love sensual, emotional and powerful romance with a definite D/s dynamic, you should be reading Author Nia Farrell.”

Nia Farrell Interview June 2019

S: What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?

N; I’ve been to Edgar Allen Poe’s home in Richmond, Virginia, Chincoteague (home of the children’s series Misty), and visited Gettysburg, setting of The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel set in the Civil War.

S; What is the first book that made you cry?

N: I honestly don’t remember. Probably Old Yeller or Black Beauty, something where an animal dies.

S: What is the most unethical practice in the publishing industry?

N; Theft—including plagiarism and pirating.

S: Does writing energize or exhaust you?

N: Writing completes me. Because I channel when I write, the creative process both energizes and exhausts me, depending on what I’m writing. I’m empathic, so emotionally-charge scenes are either euphoric or taxing and dark books are draining. A dark read will take at least three times longer to write because I have to take frequent breaks and clear the energy.

S: What are common traps for aspiring writers?

N: Telling vs. showing, inadequate research, writing to a trend rather than writing to your passion, poor grammar, lack of knowledge of the market. One of the hardest lessons for some authors to master is learning where the book starts vs. where the story begins.

S; Does a big ego help or hurt writers?

N: Inflated ego is never a good thing. I believe in staying humble, giving back, and paying it forward.

S; What is your writing Kryptonite?

N: I spend way too much time in Photoshop some days. I design my own covers and teasers. I’m a teaser slut.

S: Have you ever gotten reader’s block?

N: Interesting phrase. Things that stop me from reading are poor grammar, poor editing, and head-hopping (changing points of view). I’m also not a fan of FF, FFM, or FMF. I write (and read) MF, MMF, MFM, MM, and MMFMM.

S: Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym

N: I write under four names and use pen names for branding. Nia Farrell writes erotic romance (contemporary and historical), Erinn Ellender Quinn writes historical romance, and Ree L. Diehl writes romantic comedy erotica. I’m also published under my legal name.

S: Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

N: I try to make each book uniquely mine, but I do listen to readers. With so many ways that a story can go, asking what people are looking for can help spark a story idea. Last December, I put up a poll in my Facebook fan group where members could choose a setting, a trait for the heroine, a trait for the hero, and a plot point for the story. The suggestions resulted in Secret Santa (Made in Russia 1), about a British spy on the eve of retirement and the mistress of a Russian mob boss on the run for their lives. It hit Amazon international best seller lists and ranked in humour/dark comedy in the UK. I dedicated it to the fan who chose the elements that were used.

S: Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?

N: For me, passion is what drives an author. I consider writing a sacred trust. I give voice to the characters and tell the stories that are given to me. If I don’t feel it, the reader won’t either.

S: What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?

N: I’ve had author friends since joining RWA in 1987. My closest ones are The Gateway Goddesses—a group of St. Louis-based authors who live close enough to do lunches together. I’m a founding member of the Wicked Pens and value them all. I bonded with author Claire Marta over my Replay series. Now we’re co-writing together, with our first release planned for October 19th. Circles/groups of authors are think-tanks. When a question needs answered, usually someone will know or can direct you where you need to look next. Becoming a better writer means reading quality literature, recognizing room for improvement, and learning how to implement it. I was fortunate to find a critique group early on to help me hone my craft but I’ll never stop evolving.

S: Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

N: I have a few single titles but most of my books are written as standalones in a series. I don’t write serials that split stories into several releases. I do have a saga planned (think Game of Thrones) with some titles having an open ending, but everything else can be read individually. The series do follow a timeline that starts in book one, and characters will make appearances in later books. Because enjoyment is enhanced with familiarity, it’s always best to read from the beginning but it isn’t required. Fans who discover a series midstream can always go back and read previous titles. Nearly everything of mine is free with Kindle Unlimited.

S: How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

N: Publishing means self-promotion, with more time spent on the business side of things and less time working on the next book. I’m still learning that part of it.

S: What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?

N: I’m going to change this a bit and plug some free tools that I found. I do my own editing and proofing using the review in Microsoft Word and running the manuscript through Grammarly. My number one tool is Natural Reader, where I can listen to the story and catch things that my eyes see but my brain corrects. When it reads as smooth as silk, it’s done. As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal? I’m inordinately fond of gryphons. I designed a pair with Celtic knotwork and an artist friend painted them for me. They hang in my studio, watching over me as I write.

S: What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters?

N: While none of my characters are ever fully based on a real person, I do draw inspiration from friends, family members, and strangers with different life experience. Crafting a character with distinctive personality traits, quirks, medical conditions, or challenges can make them more sympathetic or relatable. One of my heroines suffered from chronic back pain, and readers with the same challenge applauded my portrayal of her.

S: How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

N: If I included children’s manuscripts, several dozen. I only have one adult manuscript that’s shelved as incomplete. I’m very disciplined and driven to complete what I’ve started. At any given time, there are probably fifty stories rattling around in my head. I have covers designed for my next forty-five books or so.

S: What does literary success look like to you?

N: My career goals include USA Today Bestseller, New York Times Best Seller, and Pulitzer Prize Winner. I dream big.

S: What’s the best way to market your books?

N: Social media is one way, promoting with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram, among others. I do a beautiful monthly newsletter offering special deals and freebies and post hot teasers and scorching excerpts on my website at There’s a link there to subscribe to the newsletter.

S: What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

N: I write contemporaries, historicals, and historical cosplay. Research can be basic, depending on the story and my level of knowledge, or it can be in-depth. I’m a quick study, so I typically spend hours or days rather than weeks before writing. I do have a mainstream project that will require extensive research before writing. I’m hoping to go onsite for that one, a literary mystery with interwoven storylines set in WWI-era and contemporary Ireland.

S: Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice?

N: Writing is very much a spiritual practice for me. I write in a meditative state and channel my stories. I believe that they come from a source outside of me and, for whatever reason, I’m the vessel chosen to bring them into existence and allow the characters to be heard.

S: What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?

N: I’m equally comfortable writing male and female points of view, drawing on past-life memories. I remember more than seventy of mine, many of them as males.

S: How long were you a part-time writer before you became a full-time one?

N: I started writing romance in 1987 and sold my first title in 2015. I went indie in 2016 and quit work to write full time. As of June 1, I had 54 titles under four names plus a documentary screenplay under my literary belt, with two more pieces due out this month.

S: How many hours a day do you write? I spend up to 80 hours a week in my home studio, between networking and writing. When I co-write with Claire Marta in Rome, our work day is 2 AM – 9 AM. I work on my own titles when we’re done for the day.

S: What period of your life do you find you write about most often?

N: (child, teenager, young adult). I write New Adult and adult main characters.

S: What are the ethics of writing about historical figures?

N: It’s a challenge to put words in the mouth of someone who’s no longer here to speak them. Given a choice, I’d rather create a fictional character modeled on them to propel the story. If I must use a historical figure, then I strive to stay true to the facts as I know them.

S: How do you select the names of your characters?

N: Every story begins with interviewing my characters. I usually hear their names in meditation. If I don’t, I’ll go on baby name sites, look at lists, and see what jumps out at me.

S: If you didn’t write, what would you do for work?

N: My last jobs were in the food service supplier industry and in a medical office. My dream job would be a docent in a historical home, in period dress, leading visitors through the rooms and sharing its stories.

S: Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?

N: I do read reviews. I quote the good ones and remind myself that not everyone is going to love every book. With luck, they’ll love most of mine.

S: Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

N: I make pop culture references and I’ve planted eggs before. No spoilers here, but there’s one in Slow Burn (part of the Dominated by Desire BDSM Anthology that references Loser: Avenging Angels MC Book 3).

S: What was your hardest scene to write?

N: The extended rape scene in Reaper: Avenging Angels MC Book 4 killed me. Mama Mare was such a strong, loving woman, and to see what she suffered was wrenching.

S: Do you Google yourself?

N: Of course! Sadly, it’s to find pirate sites.

S: What is your favorite childhood book?

N: Misty of Chincoteague was my favorite book when I was very young.

S: What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?

N: Having to spend time on social media promoting when I need to be writing.

S: Does your family support your career as a writer?

N: My family is amazingly supportive. My younger sister proofs and edits with me.

S: How long on average does it take you to write a book?

N: I try to allow a month for every 25,000 words. Some writers write much faster, but I like to give myself breathing room.

AUTHOR LINKS: Nia Farrell, Erinn Ellender Quinn, and Ree L. Diehl’s webpage Nia Farrell, Erinn Ellender Quinn, and Ree L. Diehl’s Facebook group Ree L. Diehl, Nia Farrell, and Erinn Ellender Quinn’s MeWe group Nia Farrell, Erinn Ellender Quinn, and Ree L. Diehl’s newsletter Nia Farrell, Erinn Ellender Quinn, and Ree L. Diehl on Twitter @My3Pens #My3Pens Nia Farrell’s Facebook author page Farrell’s Foxes, Nia Farrell’s Street Team page Nia Farrell’s Amazon author page Nia Farrell’s Goodreads author page Ree L. Diehl’s Facebook author page Ree L. Diehl’s Amazon author page Ree L. Diehl’s Goodreads author page Erinn Ellender Quinn’s Amazon author page Erinn Ellender Quinn’s Goodreads author page Erinn Ellender Quinn’s Facebook author page Erinn Ellender Quinn on Twitter: Nia Farrell on Tumblr Nia Farrell on Twitter Nia Farrell on Pinterest Nia Farrell on Instagram Nia Farrell on YouTube NIA FARRELL TITLES ~ SERIES & SAGAS ~ The Three Graces Series by Nia Farrell. New Age New Adult ménages (MMF and MFM), standalone BDSM erotic romances including Golden Flogger Finalist Something More (The Three Graces Book Three). Replay Series by Nia Farrell. Historic cosplay at a BDSM theme resort. Standalone BDSM erotic romances including Golden Flogger Finalists Night Music (Replay Book 5) and The Dark Side (Book 8). Avenging Angels MC Series by Nia Farrell. MC BDSM standalone erotic romances, including Golden Flogger Finalist Find Her (Avenging Angels MC Book 1). Crime Family Values Series by Nia Farrell. Mafia standalone dark romance. Forever Ours Series by Nia Farrell. Historical standalone erotic romance ménages with Domination and submission. Made in Russia Series by Nia Farrell. Spies BDSM dark comedy erotic romance. Dark Moons Saga. PNR shifter D/s MFM ménage otherworldly erotic saga. ~ ANTHOLOGIES ~ Dominated by Desire: A BDSM Anthology., includes Slow Burn by Nia Farrell. With Love from New Orleans., includes Enemy Mine by Nia Farrell. Stand Your Ground (June 7) anti-bullying/antiviolence anthology includes Independence Day by Nia Farrell and Damage Control by Ree L. Diehl. A Touch of Submission BDSM anthology (June 11) with titles from Nia Farrell and Ree L. Diehl. ~ SINGLE TITLES ~ Pride and Punishment – An Erotic Retelling of Jane Austen’s Beloved Classic by Nia Farrell and Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice meets 50 Shades of Grey. Historical BDSM erotic romance. Wicked Lady. In Restoration England, a lady highwayman who demands more than money from her victim must pay for her crimes. Historical erotic dark romance. Rules of Engagement. Corporate attorney Dylan Reynolds wants to become a first time Daddy Dom with his latest submissive, a twenty-two-year-old genius whose lack of experience intrigues him. BDSM DD/lg erotic romance. Highland Desire by Nia Farrell w/a Erinn Ellender Quinn. FREE at Smashwords Scottish Highland enemies-to-lovers historical romance novelette.

At a glance of Nia's large library of books visit her Amazon page here


Thank you kindly author Nia Farrell for sharing your intimate thoughts and books with us here today

If anyone would like to ask my June author any questions, please do so.




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