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AnnaMarie Gardner my May spotlight & intimate interview

Writer: Soliel De BellaSoliel De Bella

May spotlight

Bio: AnnaMarie Gardner is a wife of 19 years with two incredible children. When she was younger, she found a love of the written word through poetry. While raising her family, she sadly stopped writing. Now that her children are in school she has found her way back to the written word. She not only writes poetry but has also started her sojourn into short stories. You can also see her writing many original stories during live writes. AnnaMarie beta read for several years before she decided to stretch her wings and rejoin the incredible world of writers.

You can find her work in :

The Psych Ward:: Poetry Of Nightmares & Horrorscapes

Coming soon : Strangers : A Steamy Anthology

Owning Emotions

Can find her poems published in:

The Triplet's Curse - Hope's Story: Book One

The Triplet's Curse - Destiny's Story: Book Two

Coming soon. Faith's Story

Aries Jones (Never Forget Book 3)

Cursed By The Crown: Kumari's Kitsune



S: Does writing energize or exhaust you?

A: Writing energizes me for the most part, it gets my brain firing on so many levels and makes me feel like  I could write all day. When a project is completed I then feel exhausted and drained.

S: How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

A: I went through 3 different publishers before I found Hearts on Fire Publishing. The other companies were changing whole sections of my book. When I started working with my current publisher I learned a lot about expanding and cutting back on parts of my story. Now when I write I have a beta who reads everything as I write it, her feedback helps me immensely.

S: How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

A: I have two books in edits, two I am actively writing and three I work on from time to time and I have about fifteen in process in one way or another.

S: How do you select the names of your characters?

A: One of the ways I select my characters names is a name generator. I also ask my readers and use names of people that I know.

S: Does your family support your career as a writer?

A: My family, my husband and kids are super supportive of my writing. When I feel like giving up they encourage me to keep writing.

S: What is the most unethical practice in the publishing industry?

A: Pirating of books to me is the most unethical practices. The fact that someone feels it is okay to steal someone's hard work and give it away, is so wrong.

S: What is your writing Kryptonite?

A: My writing kryptonite is commas and my over use of the word "and."

S: Have you ever gotten reader's block?

A; Yes I have had reader's block and it drove me crazy. Last time I had it I won a random ARC, read it within a day, that broke my block and opened a whole new world of literature up for me.

S: Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

A; The Fae Series I am writing is inter connected as the characters cross over in each book. I am also writing stand alones that are not connected in any way to the series.

S: Do you believe in writer’s block?

A: Yes, I believe in writer's block and hate it.

Links For AnnaMarie Gardner.


Facebook Poetry

Reader's group






Street Team

Thank you kindly AnnaMarie for being our blossoming May spotlight author of the month.

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